Industrial Design Engineering

Bachelor Assignment


Ouahabi, K. El (Karim)

Innovating Farmax spading machines by incorporating smart technology

At: University of Twente

This thesis investigated possibilities in which smart technology can add value to the agricultural sector. It was conducted for Farmax B.V., which produces spading machines. Spading machines are mechanical tools used to prepare soil for sowing. Farmax recognises that smart technology can add value to their machines, but did not know the possibilities and the required knowledge. The thesis served to document possibilities to apply smart technology for that purpose, for example by measuring properties related to soil fertility, the tractor and machines. The conclusion was that there exist many possibilities at different levels of complexity, which come at varying costs and required levels of knowledge. Several design directions were presented in the form of scenarios, that visualised practical uses of the information researched in this thesis

Exam date: 30-03-2021