Hulst, T.J. van der (Thijmen)
Near Infrared Spectroscopy Handheld Product Development
At: Dynalynx
In the thesis a NIRS handheld was developed for the company Dynalynx. At the start the market and design aspects, such as choice of material, manufacturing methods, cost structures and implemented styles, were researched. With this information a set of requirements, based on the KANO model, was structured. This model was used to separate the necessities, performances, and features that could offer exceptional value to the product. With these requirements ideation tools were used to obtain a high variety of concepts. After a selection process, 3 concepts were chosen to be further detailed. In doing so different tests were executed. These concerned static-/ergonomic-, and static tests. With the final detailing accomplished, the concepts were assessed together with Dynalynx, and a final concept was chosen
Exam date: 21-07-2021