Keij, Y.Q. (Yvette)
Research into the possibility of an optimized production process for current foot orthosis
At: BAAT Medical Products BV
Diabetic patients use a foot orthosis to prevent amputation of limbs. Due to damaged veins
and tissues their blood circulation worsened. This foot orthosis is made of silicone and gives
support to the feet of the patient and improves the blood circulation to prevent wounds.
These orthoses are currently handmade, only locally available and costly. The production
method needs to be improved to make it available to all patients. Possible production
processes and materials have been tested to find fitting opportunities. 3D printing and
casting with silicone are viable solutions, but both need further research. By changing the
design TPU might also be a fitting, cheaper possibility. Recommendations are written for
further research to find the best production process.
Exam date: 15-07-2021