Slutter, F.S. (Finn)
StoryTell: a digital multimedia storyboarding tool for children with dyslexia
At: University of Twente
Children with dyslexia have a hard time in school; they deal with issues surrounding self-esteem and the feeling of being inferior. Dyslexia is the most common learning disability, which means it is essential for especially children to be supported in the right way in elementary school. In this thesis, a digital storyboarding tool was designed to help children with dyslexia with motivation for learning how to read and write. In this tool, the children could not only use images to make their story but also audio and video. Testing the created prototype with the target group showed that the product might increase motivation and that it was enjoyable and exciting to work with. However, further research has to be done to see how effective this product would be for learning reading and writing skills.
Exam date: 02-09-2021