Steendam, S.J. (Joëlle)
EDUBOX A redesigned shipping container that functions as a mobile learning environment for underserved communities
At: University of Twente
The EDUbox provides a learning environment for underserved communities and refugee camps which will offer the inhabitants of these communities the opportunity to develop themselves and start a better life. The EDUbox can be sent to places in need, where it can be unfolded to a learning environment almost three times its original size. When opening the container, a tent structure will automatically unfold with the container which will completely close off the environment, or can be (partly) opened. The container includes all necessary equipment for education, such as furniture, a digital board and whiteboard, tablets for all students, a small lab and is completely self-sufficient in energy. This results in a learning environment that is flexible enough to be used by different education programs.
Exam date: 16-07-2021