Goot, D. van der (Danny)
The preliminary design of cocoa juice manufacturing setup
At: Kumasi Drinks
The life of cocoa farmers is far from what we are used to here in Europe. This research investigates if it is possible to empower cocoa farmers to produce their own fruit juice which they can sell locally. The aim of this research is designing a technical solution which helps farmers in making their own juice, trying to get farmers closer to a liveable income.
The focus is to make the manufacturing setup understandable and clear for the cocoa farmers. Relevant design concepts, such as the semantics and affordances, are included in design choices. The Central manufacturing setup is designed to produce bottled cocoa juice. Including the pressing, pasteurization and bottling of the juice. Keeping in mind the resources available for farmers choices are made on involved production methods.
Exam date: 27-07-2022