Postma, M.K. (Matthijs)
Re-design of fixed shutter panels for easier assembly
At: Livium BV
The fixed shutter panels from Livium BV needed a re-design to improve assembling and mounting, since this is now time consuming and not ergonomic for the assembly mechanics. There are four different shutter panels, straight centred-fixed, slanted centred-fixed, straight bracket-fixed and slanted bracket-fixed panels, all having their own assembly and mounting problems.
With the re-design, both centred-fixed shutter panels can be mounted faster and more ergonomically, for the good of the assembly mechanics. Instead of having to mount the shutter panel as a whole, the mechanics can now slide the blades in the frame. For the bracket-fixed shutter panels an extra bracket is added, which will increase productivity as the blade brackets can now be turned up to mount the blades.
Exam date: 20-07-2022