Schagen, J.C. (Jan)
Researching the possibility of implementing EMG technology in the Awear Atlas
At: Awear
For my bachelor thesis I researched the possibility of implementing EMG (muscle activity sensors) into the Awear atlas. Although Awears target group is wide, in the thesis people with lower back pain through bad sitting posture were prioritised. A conclusion was made through literature research in which the origin of lower back pain was explored, a competitor analysis that showed how the market is built and what the saturation is, three experiments with a self-made prototype to test the capabilities of EMG, a compact cost analysis, and an ideation of a possible final product if Awear decides to implement technology. The conclusion was that although EMG is an interesting technology for Awear the technology is not yet ready for consumer use in the lower back.
Exam date: 24-05-2022