Zalinge, E.C. van (Esther)
The Selfie Mirror, An attempt to make the youth more culturally active
At: Cultuur Kwartier Sneek
A company, that specifies in getting the right people to the right location at the right time to create culture, asked me to design a product that makes the youth more culturally active.
The final product is a selfie mirror, in the style of the company, which can be easily adjusted to fit the event and the company's location it is held at. The mirror stands on an easel and has a magnetic strip on all sides, to which drawing materials can be attached. The youth can use these materials to personalise the mirror for their pictures.
The selfie mirror makes the youth more culturally active by encouraging them to take pictures, which show both event and company, and share their experience with friends and family.
Exam date: 27-07-2022