Kooten, H.R.A.G.M. van (Hannah-Ruth)
A redesign of the Spiegel banner
At: Campus & Facility management, University of Twente
A redesign of the Spiegel banner
The banners on the Spiegel building play a role in the created waste on the campus by their relatively short lifetime. Research has been done to improve upon the effectivity of the banner its communication and at the same time to let it fit in the Waste plan of the Campus & Facility management of the university.
A path was made to help people lead to the interaction of LED screens that consist of three interactive tiles. Footstep interactions with the tiles will activate the LED screen that will provide feedback by means of advertisements. The needed energy is provided by solar tiles implemented into the path. By the action of a single person several people get involved and information will be taken in more effectively.
Exam date: 06-09-2022