Burghardt, J.W. (Jorik)
Developing a heating solution for use during shower bathing
At: S Heeren Loo
'S Heeren Loo is an institution where people with a disability live and there some clients are showered with the help of a bathing stretcher. After the shower, the caregiver starts drying the client and the client gets cold. The caregivers have tried putting warm towels on the client to catch the worst of the cold, but despite this, the client starts to cramp up. In some cases, they cramp up so badly with spasms that they cannot be dried properly.
A solution has been researched and developed to prevent clients from getting cold after a shower on the bathing stretcher. This makes the experience of showering more pleasurable for the client, makes it easier for the caretaker to clean the client properly and prevents blemishes or mould growth.
Exam date: 02-11-2022