Industrial Design Engineering

Bachelor Assignment


Jansen, E.D.M. (Evi)

Designing for diverse insights: developing a menstrual tracking tool that can support diverse users in developing insight into their personal menstrual cycle

At: University of Twente

The aim was to design a concept for a menstrual tracking tool that can support diverse users in developing insight into their personal menstrual cycle. After literary and participant research, ideation and conceptualisation, a final concept was selected: the Cyme.


The Cyme consists of a lamp/alarmclock and an app. Using the lamp, the user reflects on their experiences from that day and tracks the symptoms. The app is used to dive deeper into the cycle. When waking up, the lamp reminds the user which cycle phase they are in and what this might mean for them in terms of symptoms.


Cyme accommodates for different experiences with gender, goals, symptoms, relationship with menstruation, ages, wishes regarding privacy and sharing and different degrees of cycle regularity using a combination of different functions.


Exam date: 15-07-2022