Industrial Design Engineering

Bachelor Assignment


Hofmeijer, R.W. (Rianka)

Redesigning a flexible working environment

At: BOW B.V.

Bow realizes fast and flexible working environments. The company provides the building blocks of which you can make the layout of your office spaces completely flexible. From call cell to office unit or meeting unit.

The assignment started at BOW, the venture was still in the start-up phase. At that time, they were busy with the transition from start-up to scale-up. To get the company to the scale-up phase, the product that BOW offers needed to change.

The newly developed box needs to meet the additional requirements; the climate, acoustics, mountability, aesthetic aspect, selling price and the scalability. 

All the requirements are met and for most of them there is also advise given for the next steps to improve the product even further. The new product is made and will be published on the market soon.

Exam date: 15-12-2022