Industrial Design Engineering

Bachelor Assignment


Nadya Yvana Soeganto, (Nadya)

Organising Components to Improve Workflow When Using Chemo Compounder

At: SmartCompounders BV

SmartCompounders BV is looking into ways to improve the efficiency when using the chemo compounder. Currently, to use the machine, there are a lot of smaller parts that are needed to be assembled beforehand which needs to be done within the Laminar Airflow Cabinet. With the restricted working area, it resulted in a messy and not optimal space. Hence, within this project, qualitative and quantitative research takes place. Through this, it founded that the IV components are the ones that could be improved upon the most. In result, iterations on ideas to improve this led to the final concept of Hold-On. This product allows the user to easily place the IV adapters in place after assembly and carry multiple at once a well as allowing them to be scanned easily into the system as shown in the pictures. 

Exam date: 12-07-2023