Industrial Design Engineering

Bachelor Assignment


Žáková, T. (Tereza)

Functional Optimization Of Layco's Vela™ Vacuum Extractor

At: Layco Medical Devices

Layco is a medical device start up developing affordable and high-quality medical devices without disposables. They are currently working on the Vela which is a reusable vacuum extractor. Vacuum extraction uses vacuum and traction to help assist a delivery. This thesis optimizes the suction tubing of the Vela. A final design has been decided on with the help of a morphological chart, background research, manufacturer's and Layco's input and prototyping. This design works with the balance of strength and flexibility to fulfill the requirements. Looking forwards, Layco can further develop this product's material and manufacturing selection and then test if all requirements are fulfilled.

Exam date: 07-07-2023