Industrial Design Engineering

Bachelor Assignment


Lim, H. (Haemin)

Design and fabrication of soft robotics assistive device for voiding bladder

At: Soft Robotics lab.

An underactive bladder (UAB) is characterized by a weakened contraction intensity of the muscles in the bladder, leading to an inability to achieve proper voiding, which significantly reduces the patient's quality of life.

This soft device serves as a bladder-assistive solution. It is attached to the bladder to provide physical support to the weakened detrusor muscle, effectively aiding in facilitating proper voiding by applying additional pressure. Operating through a manual pneumatic method, this device eliminates the reliance on batteries. Furthermore, it enables minimally invasive surgical procedures, enhancing its practicality.

Featuring its easy assembly and customization based on an individual's bladder shape and size, we enhance the effectiveness of bladder assistance. There is potential for broader application in different organs, holding promise for wider adoption.

Exam date: 21-08-2023