Industrial Design Engineering

Bachelor Assignment


Afink, D.E.M. (Danique)

Assisting multidisciplinary teams at the start of educational innovation processes

At: CELT University of Twente

Something that CELT and TELT of the University of Twente notice, is that educators struggle to start innovation processes and therefore do not innovate their educational programs. During this thesis, a solution called 'InnoVision' has been designed. InnoVision is a database containing innovations from different industries all over the world. This database is meant to raise awareness and knowledge of possibilities of educational innovations amongst educators. It is accessible from all locations and devices, but it has been implemented in the design of a furniture piece as well. This furniture piece contains the database, a cabinet and workspace and will be placed in the Learning and Teaching Lab, the new center of innovation of the University of Twente. 

Exam date: 16-10-2023