Industrial Design Engineering

Bachelor Assignment


Bessembinders, H.C. (Hugo)

Enabling Fine Motor Impairment Through Design

At: Internal Assignment

Written communication has remained a crucial part of our daily lives, regardless of rapid digital advancements shaping our world. Yet, some are hindered in expressing themselves due to limitations in fine motor ability.


This internally assigned thesis dissects fine motor ability to explore the needs of users that face these issues in performance of writing, and similar daily tasks. By employing the method of co-design, the development method is aligned every step of the way, with the ultimate goal of developing a supportive tool that proves successful in the performance of a specific daily task through testing.


Since the research involved real humans, the research includes user-centered design, user-approved terminology, and a successful examination by the ethics committee.


The research and development resulted in a qualitatively successful and multifunctional design with promising performance improvement in writing.

Exam date: 08-03-2024