Bruseker, S. (Sharmana)
Laparoscopic Surgical Navigation
At: Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital
During laparoscopic surgery, removing a tumour can be hard. The narrow spaces and the limited numbers of instruments which can be used in the abdomen will make it difficult for the surgeon to determine the exact location and size of the tumour. The Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital is developing a navigation technique for laparoscopic surgeries. This technique can be compared with the navigation of a car, which needs to go from point A to B. The surgeon can see its exact location on a screen. For laparoscopic surgeries, the sensor needs to be integrated at the tip of a laparoscopic instrument. Therefore a sleeve design is made. The developed design is accurate, biocompatible, easy to use and reaches the desired depths. In the future, clinical tests need to be executed.
Exam date: 15-07-2019